Monday, September 22, 2014

Contouring and Highlighting for a Square-Shaped Face!

  1. Contouring is done with a darker than your skin tone color and its aim is to emphasize the strong sides of your face. In the case of a square-shaped face, contour your cheek bones (they are almost always part of a contouring routine), the outer part of your eyes with lines, pointing upward, and the upper end of your forehead, just before your hair.
  2. Highlight with a color, lighter than your skin tone, the part under the eyes (always highlighted), everything around the mouth and under the cheekbones, your chin , and the area from the bottom end of your nose to the middle of your forehead.
  3. Don’t be afraid if you look like a member of a tribe! Take a good brush and simply blend everything until you cannot see any specific lines.

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